Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Atkins' Haters.....

So we've all heard the reports from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine that Dr. Atkins was killed by his own diet. He had a weak heart, and that's what killed him. Some are even spreading the rumor he didn't even fall in the first place. Well it turns out that the PCRM is actually not a group of physicians as they would have you believe. They are in fact a front for.....(drum roll).....PETA!!!!!! That's right, PETA is now trying to discredit the Atkins diet because it involves eating animal flesh. EEWW!! I don't know who actually eats the flesh, I always just eat the meat myself, but I digress. Anyway, here's the whole story. The part I find most disturbing is how the group was able to get hold of Dr. Atkins medical records without the consent of his family. Another important item not mentioned in this particular article is that Dr. Atkins heart condition was not caused by heart disease but by a viral infection. Not to mention he was 72 years old and he SPLIT IS FREAKIN' HEAD OPEN FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!! /end rant