Friday, April 23, 2004

A real hero

If you haven't hear already, Pat Tillman was killed in action in Afghanistan today. If you haven't heard of him, it's probably by his doing. He was a true hero and patriot. Not just for serving his country, though that alone should be enough to earn him that, but for the way in which he did it. He was an exemplary specimen of what an athlete should be. He didn't just enlist in the army to serve his country, he walked away from a 3.6 million dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals, to make 18K a year in the military. And he specifically avoided the media in doing so. Spoons had a great idea on how to honor Tillman, that was echoed by the MSN article:

The Republic reported that prominent Arizonans were calling on the Cardinals to name the team’s new stadium, which is currently under construction in Glendale, near Phoenix, in Tillman’s honor.

Update: Happy to announce that someone has taken the initiative and formed an online petition to NFL commsioner Paul Tagliabu to honor Pat Tillman. You can sign it here.